• The Unheard Project is always on the lookout for unique music and unheard music stories that we can help share with the world.

    We work with inspired creatives: performers, producers, DJs, speakers/poets, AND MORE, to participate in and help develop our community projects. If you're interested in an active role, our project groups are actively recruiting members.


    Currently seeking individuals with interest in:

    • transforming the traditional cafe music setting,
    • sustainably supporting the Afrofusion movement,
    • applications of music for therapy and mental health,
    • the narratives and impact of protest music around the world,
    • and unheard music in the student and youth scenes.


    Project members are ideally familiar with public relations, volunteer management, writing, composition, & design, outreach, event planning, and other skills, with minimum 1 year relevant experience. Experience with music recording, production, licensing, and marketing is a bonus.

    Please note that membership fees below are only used to finance our core program, including activities, services, and events that are open to all members.


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    Open to anyone!


    • Exclusive access to member pages bulletin, where you can connect with other members within our site
    • Newsletter Email subscription


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    Please submit a Member Story to us to apply for a Project Role.

    In addition to volunteer

    member services:

    • Join a project group of your choice and support the sounds you want to hear
    • Work with our Project Coordinators and other members in the network to design Unheard Projects
    • Connect directly with our partners to kickstart your own creative processes


    Are you a musician looking to find your place in the local scene? Or feeling left out by the world around you?

    Are you interested in supporting our work toward bridging gaps between local music institutions and personal development? Or engaging with local venues to improve diversity in representation or cultural engagement?


    Join us to get started in exploring a variety of key questions shaping the experience of music globally.


    We DEPEND on volunteers to curate creative exhibitions, storytelling newsletter reports, radio shows, and events. Participation in our Project Radio and member community provides our members with valuable career and personal development opportunities.



  • Let's retrain our ears to hear the HOW and the WHY

    of the music resonating in our communities.

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    See musical creativity in your community

    but can't hear the entry points?

    Look no further.


    The Unheard Project works to foster sustainable public music initiatives

    by producing multimedia publications about lived music experiences.



    Our work is underpinned by an interdisciplinary, storytelling & justice-driven approach to exploring music. The three pillars for our international projects are creativity, interaction, and critical thinking. Our storytelling approach addresses the world's need for music projects which go beyond dominant music preferences & imposed commercial trends. Our members are active listeners - not passive consumers. Tuned in to specific local scenes, we seek to empower our communities to affect change in their spaces by participating in research projects which highlight diverse music styles and investigate local forms of music consumption.


    Supporting a music artivism approach, our project radio is focused on connecting people with shared interests in exploring stories about the music they enjoy.

    Examining the music ecology of night life and daily vitality, we also aim to develop Unheard Radio into a useful resource for local businesses. We hope to support a host of international partner bars, cafes, and club venues to access fountains of fresh music and curate unique music experiences.


    We use storytelling to link our members innovative forms of composition and performance, sharing the music in our DNA and cultivating participant-sourced music in local areas.

    from passively streamed and liked to actively heard and related to.