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  • What is the unheard community?

    When we turn our heads to get a better look at where that unfamiliar music is coming from - when we lean into earshot of a bar to hear what they're playing tonight - when we smile at a passing car blasting something we could never stumble upon in Discover Weekly - when we care about the subtle backstory or wish we could understand that language,


    we are sensing the UNHEARD - the experience of music around us.


    We are DJs, lost in lush soundscapes, surprised by our sense of belonging. To think that skipping songs, turning stones and loitering in scenes of foreign emotion and culture, we found ourselves building connections. We are musicians, equally committed to our sound as we are curious about others'. Let us naturalize the embrace of the stories; in the displaced, bass-heavy wind of a speeding Honda; in the traditional guitar melodies sputtering from the shy speaker in your local corner store; the harping computer sounds your friend labelled 'dub trance'; and the rebellion and hurt in the voices of protest songs which fall short on deaf ears.


    We learn to love sharing the stories in music and hearing music by the story or the experience - not the genre or the popularity.

    Supporting each other in musical interaction is our core purpose. Our member newsletter purposefully builds-in collaboration on music-related stories by highlighting member's stories. Everything we share here on our site is up for discussion. Focusing on UNHEARD music, membership is open to anyone willing to share their story and our respect for the sounds of the world.